Red Bull Zero Kalories
Review: Red Bull Zero is a sugar-free variant with sucralose instead of aspartame as a sweetener. We have previously tested this and this soft drink tasted almost nothing. Now Red Bull is launching a new and updated taste as they seem to have taken the criticism seriously. Is it a sensation then? Well, admittedly the soda tastes a bit now but it's still not a favorite. The sucralose breaks through with a slight taste of Red Bull. There may be a buying circle that thinks that Aspartam is harmful who buys this but this will never be on our shopping list again.Ingredients
vatten, kolsyra, taurin (0,4%), syra (citronsyra), surhetsreglerande medel (natriumcitrat), sötningsmedel (aspartam*, sukralos, acesulfam K), koffein (0,03%), vitaminer (niacin, pantotensyra, B6, B12), aromämnen, förtjockningsmedel (xantangummi), färgämnen (sockerkulör, riboflavin). *Innehåller en fenylalaninkälla.
Red Bull Sweden ABRosenlundsgatan 40
118 53 Stockholm
Last update: 2024-05-24 20:32:11Review date: 2020-05-27
Grade 5-point scale: 2.25/5